A: Yes! DIY Staging is not only possible, it is a great idea if you are not hiring a professional home stager when you list.

The purpose of home staging is to create an environment that allows potential Buyers to envision themselves living there. What does this mean for your listing? A properly staged home highlights the best features of a particular property, and increases curb appeal. Staging can be done professionally, and Leonetti Group is happy to recommend one when you work with us–or you can do it yourself! For DIY home staging, there are few key points to keep in mind. 

  1. Declutter: Excessive clutter can be distracting to potential Buyers. Removing clutter like paperwork, mail, tools, knick-knacks, books, clothes, and other household objects from surfaces like countertops, shelves, and open-face cabinets creates a more spacious feeling within the interior environment, allowing potential Buyers to more easily envision themselves living in the home. The more minimal the clutter, the more open and neutral the space will feel.
  2. Deep Clean: Home interiors should be spotless when staging! Don’t forget details like window wells and sills, baseboards, even light fixtures should get some extra attention before showing to potential Buyers. A clean home communicates that the home is well maintained, and once again creates a neutral atmosphere that allows Buyers to envision themselves living in the space. If a home showing is imminent consider moving cat boxes to an exterior location like the garage to keep distracting smells to a minimum, and taking out all garbage and recycling from indoor trash cans.
  3. Depersonalize: Consider minimizing personal items like family photos, clutter on the refrigerator door, memorabilia as well as other niche or quirky items that could distract from the overall neutral feel of the home. The more opportunity you create for a potential Buyer to envision themselves living in your home the better.
  4. Maximum Lighting: Before an imminent showing, be sure to open curtains and blinds to let in natural light. Before listing be sure to check that all bulbs within the home are working, and if some seem dim or old replace them with brighter ones. Adding inexpensive lighting features to existing rooms, or darker areas of the home helps create a warm and inviting atmosphere as well. Lighting can often be used to showcase and highlight (literally) the best features of your listing!

Have more questions about home staging, real estate, and home buying? The Leonetti Group is here to help. Contact Jessi or Luiz today to discuss how you can Move With Purpose!